The Coat of Arms of the Boudreau, ot, ault, eaux Family

In 1999, the Association des Boudreau Inc. made a request to the Heraldry Authority of Canada to be granted a concession for a Coat of Arms. Our request was accepted by her Excellence, the Right Honorable Adrienne Clarkson, Governor General of Canada who presented them to the Boudreau (ot, ault, eaux) family duting sa ceremony on February 20, 2000 in Chéticamp, Nova Scotia. Go here to order a copy. The reproduction of the emblem of the Coat of Arms for commercial purposes without the approval of the Association des Boudreau Inc. is strictly forbidden.
Emblèm for the Coat of Arms
See this page for images of the ceremony
Speech by the Gouvernor-General
The emblem contains the blue and red of the Acadian flag as well as the star of Mary.

The anchor represents the ties with seafaring and with the original settling of Port Royal.

The scale reminds us that Michel Boudrot was a Magistrate in Port Royal.

The crown represents the ties with Port Royal; the "fleur de lys" on the crown are a symbol of the early French presence in the colony. There are eleven of them representing Michel Boudrot's eleven children.

Motto: "To the fidelity and valor of our ancestors"