Welcome to the web site for the Association des Boudreau

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Updated September 1, 2004
Photos of the 2004 Reunion!
See the new History Book
Souvenir products for sale
You have accessed the web site of the Association des Boudreau. The Association was established for the purpose of promoting genealogical research relevant to the descendants of Michel Boudrot who arrived in Acadie around 1639. The Association also has as a goal the improvement of communications between Boudreau descendants through the organizing of get-togethers and family reunions such as the Grand Reunion that occurred in Shediac, New Brunswick (CANADA) during the Congrès Mondial Acadien of 1994.
How to reach us:
Association des Boudreau
131 Fourth Ave
Pointe-du-Chene, N.B.
To become a member of the Association
Many of the descendants of Michel Boudrot and Michèle Aucoin live in New Brunswick, Canada and especially in the Southeast and the Northeast areas of the province. The Association has a defined administrative structure and was incorporated on January 20, 1999. The members of the Executive are:
Président: Donald Boudreau
Telephone: (506) 532-8019
Fax number: (506) 532-2450
E-mail: donaldb@rogers.com
Former Pres.: Stella Boudreau
Telephone: (506) 532-9058
E-mail: bougue@nb.sympatico.ca
Treasurer: Clairence Boudreau
Telephone: (506) 532-4913
Secretary: Liliane Carrier
Telephone: (506) 532-2011
The Association des Boudreau is a member of the Fédération des Associations de Familles Acadiennes Inc.